Top: Chet Whye, Dr. Joyce Ladner Bottom: Cortland Cox, Lynn Kilgore Hendy
Sponsors: HarlemOneStop NYC, Save Harlem Now! (SHN!), Harlem Cultural Collaborative
In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Harlem Renaissance, Save Harlem Now!, in partnership with Harlem One Stop and the Harlem Cultural Collaborative, presented a Harlem Renaissance 100 Virtual Salon, Saving Harlem Buildings To Save African American History: The Building Where The 1963 March On Washington Was Planned.
On Sunday, September 13, 2020, 4:00-5:30 pm, panelists Dr. Joyce Ladner, Courtland Cox, Lynn Kilgore Hendy, and Rachelle Horowitz, who were in the building in Summer 1963, were led by Harlem political activist and former Denver Post columnist Chet Whye, Jr. in a lively discussion about the epic planning that took place behind the walls of this building in July and August of 1963.
Watch the full video below:
Watch the abbreviated video below:
Bayard Rustin, Executive Director of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
170 West 130th Street, with the 1963 March on Washington National Headquarters banner